miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

AIDS & HIV.... A Shamanic Journey. (Revised Version.)

UPDATE with respect to the article AIDS & HIV.... A Shamanic Journey.

The following article (see below) has been subject of some negative comments from elsewhere and we have been accused of many things for publishing this kind of message about the potential of plant medicine and plants such as Ayahuasca to help in processes of curing major diseases.

As of 7th Nov 2018 this article has been revised. It is largely the same but there are some additional clarifications at the end which can be seen in italics.

This is the most read article on this blog and some people arrive here from links posted on websites that have a very critical view of what we have written. They have accused us of writing these things in order to get publicity so that we can make profit from this. We have also been accused of many more additional things by one website in particular but the owners and moderators of that website have never published any concrete evidence of anything they say.
They are happy to put up random and unsubstantiated comments from "anonymous" people and have even published names and addresses, id numbers, photos and emails of various members of our community and slandered us with some very serious accusations.
When we or friends of ours have responded to such postings by revealing the identity of one person who we know to be giving them information we were banned from defending ourselves and we were told that posting personal information about people was a instance of bullying and stalking which, apparently on that website they do not tolerate.
However when it comes to us it is a different matter. Apparently we are fair game, we don't count and that to name us, put photos up, give emails and id numbers in our case is not intimidation and stalking. In that case they define it as "criticism." Perhaps they think that people will not notice the contradiction ? It seems that for them it is OK to publish personal details about us because, according to them, we are just an evil cult and so our human rights in that case do not count.

If you come here from that website then please take into account these things.

This has been going on since 2011 and in the most part we have not responded much because we are too busy to do so. We are working people and we have much to do to grow our food, to learn about plant medicine, shamanism and community living so we don't have time to spend hours on the internet getting involved in long arguments as all costs time and money and we have not made loads of money out of what we do, contrary to what these people say about us.
This blog is just a small blog, it is about all we have published in English and it is far from being a complete set of information about Shamanism but we are a little surprised that it has attracted the attention that it has attracted and that some people feel very disturbed and shocked by the idea that illnesses such as AIDS could be cured. It is a matter that we have, of course reflected upon and why that should get such a negative reaction, almost hysterical, from some people.

In due course, perhaps, we shall publish some reflections on all of this.

In the meantime we have more practical work to do.

Meanwhile please read the article and judge as you feel fit, take your own conclusions and if you come here from the website forum where we have been slandered and accused of being fraudulent in what we do then just remember that there are two sides to every story and if you are the type of person that judges from only hearing one side then we will leave you to your judgements and if you are prepared to believe what those forums say then you are free to do so. Everyone is free to think what they like but we think it says more about the people on that website, the way that they put people on trial, condemn them and label them, opening them up to all sorts of attacks from other sources without any hint of considering that someone is innocent until proven guilty. In their eyes we have been guilty from the outset and they have encouraged us to be harassed, stalked, bullied etc. Like we say, IT SAYS MORE ABOUT THEM than it does about us, but we will let them be and say as they wish.

It is similar to how many folk in the middle ages that practiced plant medicine, or that challenged the Catholic Orthodoxy were burnt at the stake by the Inquisition. They were labelled as heretics just because they stated opinions and gave air to ideas that were outside of the accepted ones of the time…. Nowadays people are not literally burnt at the stake but they are most certainly marginalized and vilified publicly without recourse to any kind of intelligent dialogue or attempts from the moralists to comprehend what they are saying, but anyway, so much for these modern day kangaroo courts...

There is a saying given by SAMAEL AUN WEOR (which was also said by Victor Hugo) that is quite appropriate ——


Thank you for your attention and taking the time to read this pre-amble.


The article that follows is a direct account made by a witness of this healing process and includes some personal reflections on AIDS and the Shamanic healing process. We would advise anyone reading that if you have HIV or AIDS or know someone that does that in no way do we counsel you to take actions or decisions as a result of reading such an article. This is an anecdotal account which in no way pretends to give a complete description of such a healing process and anyone with such an illness that is looking for alternatives to the official treatments and drug programmes should do thorough research and take their own responsibility for decisions they make. This is, of course, COMMON SENSE but common sense nowadays would seem to be in short supply. For this reason we stress here these things, for the original intention of this article always was TO INFORM and to give some explanations or indications as to the nature and factors involved in shamanic healing, the values, human qualities and psychological effort required on the part of both patient and shamanic practitioner not to mention the need for a wide knowledge of plants and the conditions needed for their preparation. Success is never guaranteed in such an endeavour. It should also be noted that the Shaman and students of Shamanism that were involved in this case did not seek out this person and do not ever advertise for or seek patients. We only attend to that which presents itself spontaneously. For that reason here we give no names and addresses, no contacts.

AIDS & HIV… A Shamanic Journey

Just over two years ago we were visited at our Uk Shamanism of Light Centre by a lady that had been diagnosed as HIV Positive. It was the first time that we, as students of shamanism, had come into contact with someone that had been diagnosed (or better put, labelled) as having HIV and on their way to full blown AIDS. At that time I knew very little about the subject other than what most of us have been told by the mass communications network and had never really investigated or approached the subject.

The lady, S, came to participate in a Shamanic ritual with the sacred plant Yaje (or Ayahuasca) after having met us and spoken with us or her wish to drink Yaje. We accepted and so she arrived. At that time she certainly did not look to be in the best of health, she was drawn and thin in her face with a look in-between nervous and haunted.

In that first ceremony as the experience began to get strong I could feel the presence of something in our small Temple-Yurt and as we began to shamanise with our chants to the elemental spirit of Yaje we could feel the spirits begin to arrive.
In a shamanic ceremony the objective is to call positive spirits to come and help the humans to get rid of negative energies they are carrying and help them to have spiritual insight, healing and so on. It is also common that negative spirits will arrive and attack the people. The job of the people such as ourselves who have been trained in the Shamanic techniques, is to be alert to the different energies that arrive into the sacred space and we use our concentration, meditation and sacred chants in order to call the positive forces so that the negative energies will be cleaned. When we do this work well one can feel a force field around the sacred space that repels the bad spirits but in the case that there is a person present carrying a bad spirit then this work requires more concentration.

In this case as we began to chant and chant the Yaje began to show more clearly this strange presence and there was no doubt that it was an entity and that it was intelligent because it had strategies of its own and did not want to leave. It also became clear that this negative entity was in the aura of our friend S and she moved uncomfortably in her experience as if it was annoying her and causing her difficulty. The battle was long and difficult and required an unwavering concentration as we moved into territory that was also a test of our learning as shamanic students but such was the force and unity of our chants that the Yaje heard us and little by little the negative entity was subdued and at the same time S became calmer in her experience. When we finished that chant a sense of relief permeated the atmosphere and the good energies began to flow through the ceremony.
Such was the effect of this that S received an experience in which the Yaje gave her some initial instruction in the psychological and spiritual changes that were necessary to begin a process of healing and thereafter she became a regular visitor to the temple that was hidden amist three tall fir trees. (The elemental of the different species of Fir tree gives far sight and vision).
Very soon the Yaje instructed her to give up taking the drugs prescribed by her consultants and to enter fully into a process of natural medicinal healing. We gave her depurativo, a medicinal tonic for the blood, the digestive system and the immune system. She also began to take Uña De Gato (Cats Claw), a jungle vine with small claw shaped thorns, hence its name, this plant is especially good for the immune system. Over various ceremonies it soon became clear that a big part of her healing process would involve a cleaning of the negative side effects of the cocktail of pharmaceutical drugs that had contaminated her body and penetrated into her bone marrow. She had some particularly strong experiences in which she vomited and vomited whilst the Yaje showed her that it was cleaning the toxins from her bone marrow.
When she gave up taking the drugs, the consultants, of course, told her that she was mad and that within a year she would be dead but thankfully this courageous lady had a lot of fight in her and refused to become psychologically traumatised by the pessimistic prophecies of these modern witch doctors. Indeed, in her case, being a rebel soul, she was determined to proove them wrong and now, after more than two years she has certainly prooved them wrong.

After a few months it was time for me to return to my home in Colombia but S continued to participate in ceremonies with other students from our community and a year and a half later she felt strong enough to make the journey to our community and receive healings from the Shaman who is our teacher and spiritual guide.

When she arrived at our farm I have to say that I barely recognised her such was the change in her face, her energy and her posture. Gone was the haunted look although she was still somewhat weak and, certainly, our Shaman was a little concerned that in this new environment with many bacterias and virus unknown to her body that she would be exposed to a risk of becoming ill.
Very quickly he gave us a long list of treatments with different plants that was to be carried out along with many dietary recommendations and a lot of attention to hygiene. Furthermore the Shaman explained to us that when the Indigenous Taitas make a treatment for an ill person then that person should be segregated from many of the normal activities of the other people, that the person should receive food and drinks, medicines etc using plates, spoons, bowls that were kept apart and used for no-one else. To the modern mind this appears extreme but a shaman is aware that all is energetic and that much care must be taken in this respect so that the person being treated is not adversely affected by other peoples energies and also that other people should not be affected by the energies of their illness. To this effect certain people were given the responsibility to make the medicines and to oversee their administration as well as monitoring the psychological state of the patient since a large element of the healing is completely psychological.

For the initial month or so S struggled to adjust to being a patient, to being attended to but not being permitted to cook food or make medicines. She went through bouts of home sickness, of doubt and other psychological difficulties especially as, through the use of Yaje she was also being shown the roots of many states and events that had led her into the situations in which she came to be diagnosed as HIV Positive but it was easy to see that this lady was nothing if not a spiritual warrior and she stuck with it through thick and thin until one day after some 6 weeks it was decided that she could go on an outing to see some of the local sights. (The area in which we live is a centre for a huge number of megalithic sites left by an ancient and wise Indigenous culture unknown to the archeologists that have studied the the stones)
She was taken on a 5 hour tour on horseback and when she returned she was glowing with happiness and that evening she explained that two years previously when she was gravely ill and seemed to be entering into full blown AIDS a friend had taken her horse riding. She had mounted on the horse for only half an hour and at the end she was so exhausted that she needed to be lifted down from the horse lest she collapse in a heap. The source of her happiness was that after five hours on horseback she had dismounted like a teenager and felt no ill effects. with this experience she was suddenly able to comprehend the depth of the treatment she was having, which, in addition to the medicinal plants, had also involved a series of shamanic healings with the famed Ortega plant.

Thereafter she went from strength to strength and during her three month stay with us not only did we witness a marked improvement in her physical and psychological strength, along with a further improvement in her complexion and her aura, but also she contracted no illness from any strange bacteria or virus of the locality, a feat that many apparently healthy visitors have not managed when coming to Colombia.
When she said goodbye to the Shaman of our community he said to her in his broken English "I think you are better now" and gave her a big hug.

Equally she continues to take the plant medicines prescribed and we have advised her not to let up.

The moral of the story is that there is no illness or condition that cannot potentially be cured by elemental therapy, as natural Shamanic Medicine is called by the Gnostic Master Samael Aun Weor. What we can understand from this experience is that true healing is not simply a case of treating a set of symptoms with loads of drugs. Modern medicine is nothing short of a business arrangement through which certain multi-national companies make a lot of money whilst tricking people in multiple ways. At certain points S said to us that the whole situation smelt of "black magic" and that it was the drugs that were making her ill rather than some virus, that upon investigation, is shown to be more like a fabrication of some depraved imagination rather than something in itself that leads to the so called AIDS syndrome.

True healing is something that occurs and needs to be attended to on many levels; spiritual, psychological, energetic and physical. A person cannot be healed unless, as a first requirement, the person understands the spiritual-psychological factor. Illness is something that is showing us a need to change our lives and the most important factor is FAITH for it is the spirits of the plants that cure us and they will only work for us if we have faith in them as vehicles through which God moves and teaches us to change our way of thinking and feeling. The healing action requires also that we understand that all illnesses are a consequence of certain circumstances that we ourselves have created through ignorance and unconsciousness of the right way to live and also the purpose of existence itself.

The AIDS con.

As a result of this experience, towards the end of her stay with us, we came across certain documents and films that have been produced on the subject of HIV and AIDS… information that only served to confirm our suspicions that the issue of AIDS is a gigantic con trick on humanity.
Taking into account the huge campaign of international propaganda around the so called AIDS epidemic, it is not hard to imagine the terrible and devastating effect of being diagnosed HIV Positive. Personally I remember as a young 20 something taking the test myself and the sense that the rest of my life was to be determined by the results of that test. In my case the HIV test lottery came out negative but little did I know that the tests are not much more than the throw of a dice since none has been shown to be 100% accurate. In fact, scientifically speaking, the so called HIV Virus has never been properly isolated in a manner that is satisfactory to all the scientists that have investigated the theme. Perhaps we could say that the only ones that have been satisfied with the methods used to determine if a person is HIV Positive or not are those such as Robert Gallo, one of the "Doctors" that "discovered" the virus and who receives royalties every time the test is made because he patented that test.
Indeed, even more disconcerting is that fact that among the scientific community there is no overall consensus as to the definition of what AIDS is and the top laboratories are not able to agree upon what constitutes a positive or negative reading of the test because, as we just mentioned, the virus has not been isolated properly and the test is not able to show the presence of HIV itself but rather the anti bodies that combat the virus. Without doubt we can affirm that this is an authentic example of the pseudo science of the Anti Christ.
In some places, such as South Africa, quick tests are done. This involves three distinct test methodologies, the first of which, the nurses that conduct them freely admit, are far from conclusive and very inaccurate. If out of these two you get two positive readings then you are diagnosed HIV positive, if it comes out 1-1 then a third test is taken that they say is marginally more accurate and upon this will depend the outcome. Frankly, you may as well just go to your local casino and play dice or go and toss a coin three times. It is astounding how peoples lives are played with in such a casual way.

In the rest of Africa people are not even tested for AIDS. If a person is ill and sent to hospital whether they have TB, Malaria or whatever if their condition looks deteriorated enough they are simply diagnosed as having full blown AIDS and the person is put on the AIDS drugs from which they inevitably die since the drugs themselves are what kill the people. The sinister plan behind this stinks of downright evil. Why do they not simply treat the person for the illness they have? The answer is that the UNAIDS agency will donate money to the hospitals and doctors that come up with numbers, for this is no more than a numbers game that enables them to receive money and line their pockets, whilst the pharmaceutical companies also rake in billions for killing people. This is the silent genocide of millions around the world and who pays? This is worth investigating for it would be interesting to know where UNAIDS get their money from but there is no doubt that one way or another it is all a convenient form for each country to run up more debt as UN receives its contributions from its member countries and from the "innocent do-gooders" that donate money to these criminal charities.

It is also worthwhile asking the question why is it that there is a UNAIDS agency but not a UN agency for other illnesses or causes of death? Why the big campaign, what is behind it all? Does all this have anything to do with the plan to reduce the world population? It does not seem to be a coincidence that behind the big pharmaceutical companies that deal in death by drugs are the usual culprits. AZT, the first "anti AIDS drug" is a drug that simply kills your cells. In the first years that it was used everyone that used it died. This company (Wellcome organization) is owned by the Rockefeller family and they, surprise surprise, are among those that want to reduce the world population.

HIV - A Quantum Virus?

Some folk that have refused to accept the HIV Positive death sentence have taken many tests and have found that in one it comes out positive, in the next negative and so on. Our friend S told us that once diagnosed HIV one is given periodic blood tests in order to take your CD4 count and the viral load count. Her nurse told her that she had noticed that the test results were clearly affected by the emotional state of the person, their psychological state, their stress level and so on.
In other words, "HIV" behaves like a quantum particle…. one minute its there, the next its not.. so where does it go? This fits with our shamanic experience that has shown us that HIV is more like some kind of malignant entity…
S told us that she has witnessed many cases of African women that get shipped over to Britain to receive treatment on the condition that they sign up to be guinea pigs for the pharmaceutical companies for testing out new drugs to be used later on their more privileged patients from the "first world" such as the gay community since the "pink pound" is one of the major sources of money when it comes to donations to the scientific laboratories that research new drugs and homosexuals are among those most willing to pay through the nose in order to prolong their agony.

Those African ladies, many of them fanatical evangelical Christians, are understandably totally destroyed internally when they get diagnosed with HIV as their religion coupled with the propaganda tells them that it is because they are terrible sinners. In such cases total psychological collapse is very quick and death follows swiftly. The words of S were that it was literally as if those women had been cursed by a witches spell and she may not be far from the truth. This evasive virus thats there then its not, that appears like an entity seems to act like some kind of entity that has been created by some terrible act of black magic. It is an illusion created by some very sick minds.

Indeed, this is very much backed up by the research of more enlightened Doctors such as Roberto Giraldo, a Colombian Doctor who has studied the human immune system for nigh on 40 years. He says he has cured many cases of HIV-AIDS and his investigations have shown that the single most important factor in maintaining a healthy immune system is our psychological state. Apart from this diet and lifestyle also have a big effect but seeing as the negative traits that we develop such as drug abuse, sexual degeneration, bad diet etc stem ultimately from a lack of self respect, a lack of love, a lack of meaning in our lives we can comprehend easily what Dr Giraldo is saying.

If we analyse things well then it all fits. Many people in the world today have a low self esteem, they are stressed, they do not have a quality life, they consume many types of chemical drugs, be they prescribed or recreational, they do not respect their bodies, doing things with them that go against natures design as in the case of the homosexuals. In the case of many of the poorer countries the lack of healthy lifestyle is also due to poverty, malnutrition, lack of education, loss of their Indigenous cultures etc etc etc. so we can say without a doubt that once a person is diagnosed HIV Positive the propaganda that serves to further affect a sense of the value of their lives, practically condemning them to die and into the bargain cutting them off from a normal family life since their intimate relations with others will never be the same again. This coupled with the regime of drugs that they are pressured into taking becomes a self fulfilling prophecy… which is, in effect, a CURSE on their lives. S tells us that within the HIV community one can tell who will survive the diagnosis for a long time by their reaction to the results. Those that have a warrior inside and refuse to accept their sentence will resist the psychological attack for longer whilst others are psychologically destroyed by the sentence.
In the case of S, being a natural rebel, she had fought for many years and finally she has been rewarded for her efforts and her refusal to lie down and die spontaneously coming across the sacred teachings of Yaje, the wisdom of shamanism and the benefits of natural medicine.

It should be noted that we are not saying here per se that Yaje (Ayahuasca) cures HIV/AIDS and this is not ever what we were saying although this seems to have been some people's interpretation... In light of that we wish to clarify that;

In Amazonian Shamanism, whilst Yaje has many medicinal properties which, along with the techniques of shamanism, can help in cases like this, the main use and role of the Yaje in a process such as this is for the wisdom and insight that SUPPORTS THE HEALING PROCESS.
Traditionally Yaje is used as a DIAGNOSTICAL tool and in order to see the problem at a deep psychological or soul level. Following from this the shaman will advise on the different actions that need to be taken on the levels of psychology, lifestyle and medicinally with the use of plants. In such a case the shaman also draws upon his or her knowledge and experience of other cases and any factors observed that may be unique to the particular case being treated. According to the shamanic understanding of illness each case is unique and there is no uniform formula, it depends on the person and the particular conditions of their lives. We should also clarify that whilst this case has shown us that the phenomena of HIV and AIDS is not what it seems, that does not mean that we deny the existence of a problem with the human immune system because there are clearly many people that suffer from immune related problems, however, the reasons for this may not be quite so cut and dried as would appear. The state of a persons psychological, spiritual and physical health can and does fluctuate and it has become clearer even to many more open minded scientists that mind and matter are not separate. In our experience, not only in this case, the psychological attitude and the power of human will and faith are absolutely VITAL in any healing process. It is not for nothing that Christ said that if you have Faith the size of a grain of mustard you can move mountains. The insights and efforts made for someone to achieve the radical turnaround that we were able to witness in the case of the lady mentioned here, however, are not changes that should be made just for the period of healing and recuperation of an illness for, in a spiritual sense, illness is a MESSAGE from the world of spirit of a need for a deep and lasting change, perhaps a change in the whole feeling and direction of life itself and this is the true purpose of any illness or crisis.
In that respect the real message here is that ultimately it is up to each one of us, for the solution to our problems are inside us and once we connect with our own inner spark of light and spirit we can walk toward the solutions and create the conditions for a solution around us. This may not happen immediately for we also need to develop patience and persistence. The key is to learn that we do not need to be victims to our circumstances and even if there is some kind of dark and sinister agenda working behind the scenes with regard to the AIDS phenomena and other issues, that does not mean that we have to be a victim to that.

So we are not saying here that Yaje/Ayahuasca will miraculously cure you of AIDS or anything else... and nor do we pretend that for anything there is some kind of quick fix formula, not at all. Shamanism, if studied seriously is an ANCIENT SCIENCE, albeit, a science that recognises and works with energies, forces and intelligences that are not visible to the physical senses... but nevertheless it is a science in which many factors are at work and influence the outcome of any situation. In this case, outlined in a very resumed way here, we can cite the psychological factor of the patient, we can cite the careful scrutiny of the Shaman with regard to the preparation and administration of medicines, something which was done according to a daily timetable, taking into account the way that different plants work and how they work in combination with each other, whether they are cooling, heating, astringent, relaxing, fortifying etc. etc. Some of them must be taken on an empty stomach, some at more regular intervals, some after meals etc. The attention to hygiene and also the surroundings of the patient were also very important and the use of Yaje in the key part of this process when S visited our community was made with the utmost discretion and not in an ad hoc way. Over exposure to this potent jungle brew would have been counter productive because she needed to build up the body strength required. In this phase the Yaje was, as we said earlier, a support and was used in key moments as a compliment to the other medicines and in order to make the energetic/spiritual aspect of the healing process through shamanic healings using Ortiga.
All of this requires and extensive practical knowledge and experience which usually takes many years to acquire. Thus we stress, so as to be quite clear, that we do not claim here to be giving any kind of formula... We are offering, by means of relating these things, information and explanations about how shamanic healing works and this is not just some kind of "up in the air" "new agey" thing.. it is something very practical that involves a lot of attention to detail.

We believe that stories like this deserve to be told and hopefully they will give some valuable and interesting information that will inspire others to fight the good fight against those evil forces that wish to suck humanity into the abyss.... For let us be clear; This world is a world of duality in which there are forces of Good and forces of Evil. Shamanism recognises that ultimately life is a journey in which we attain learning and knowledge of those forces and how they work inside and outside ourselves. Life is a journey of the soul in which the soul is presented with a series of choices and there are forces that actively work to confuse and disorientate the soul for this is a world in which all is not as it seems on the surface...

So we say ---- Don't believe the hype, don't take the drugs in an unquestioning way, don't believe all you are told about HIV-AIDS for this condition is not by any means incurable. We also add that you should not just believe without question what we have written here. Decide for yourself, investigate for yourself, use your capacity to think, to feel, use your intelligence... you were given it for a reason and each is free to believe or not believe. Whatever the case to believe is not the same as to know for yourself.

For us, however, as the years have gone by since this article was originally written we are ever more convinced and ever more firm in our vision and our experience and we say and will continue to say that the keys to humanities health lie in us returning to the bosom of our Mother Earth. The Divine Mother Pachamama is the best doctor that exists and the plants that come from Mother Nature possess living and intelligent spirits and through the contact with these spirits, THROUGH THE LOVE THAT WE GIVE TO THEM, and through the wise and humble use of all that they offer we humans can find solace and healing for our ills, whether those ills are physical, psychological or spiritual or a combination of all of these which is what, in reality, they are. Those plants were made for all of humanity, regardless of creed, race, religion, ideology and so on, just as the Sun shines upon all of us without prejudice. As such nobody owns the Shamanic wisdom, this wisdom is for all beings, however, at the same time the vocation for learning this wisdom is not there in all people and such a learning requires dedication, humility and respect for the plants and also for the wisdom of the ancestors and it is before those ancestors we kneel and give our thanks and praises. It is also by those ancestors that we shall be judged.

Upon returning to the UK our friend S went to take the customary blood tests. When her nurse put the needle in her arm it came flying out again with a mysterious force. The nurse tried to put the needle in her other arm and the same thing happened. The nurse was spooked. What ejected the needle? The vital force of Mother Nature, the spiritual energy of the elementals? S's nurse has said that in all her time attending to patients with HIV-AIDS she has never seen such a turn around and recovery. A message from the spirits perhaps ? I think so.

May the marvellous forces of Love ignite our sacred fires.
May the light of Pachamama illuminate our hearts and souls.

Los Arrayanes Shamanism of Light Community, Colombia

FOOTNOTE. The author of this article wishes to thank all those that have continued to learn alongside us and support our community....

"Life is a series of lessons and in life we all make mistakes. Now that time and circumstances have allowed me to revise this article thoroughly and in the light of criticisms made, whilst standing firmly by the principals learnt in the Shamanic Way and especially with regard to the healing properties of the plants and the elemental spirits of the plants, I recognise that this article lacked some clarifications and some deeper insights, so whatever the case and whatever the criticisms that have come as a result I would like also to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to the critics, for even if their intentions have come across as destructive and judgemental and have led to further wild accusations that have nothing to do with this article, they have still been useful. I also clarify that I am not a shaman, but a student of shamanism and have never claimed to be a shaman or of any pure blood indigenous ethnic group in any way, shape or form. However, as a human being I do claim the right to study, practice and research shamanism, and to make, along with the like minded folk of the community to which I belong, a spiritual/religious practice inspired in the principals and understandings of what is broadly termed as shamanism and I do this in the knowledge that to profess a belief system and to practice it is a fundamental human right regardless of race, colour, gender, nation etc.
Finally, my greatest thanks go to the Shaman that I have studied with and his patience and understanding in the face of many attacks and criticisms received as a result of the original article. The witnessing of this and other Shamanic healing processes before and since have given and continue to give profound understandings of the human condition. This for me is beyond doubt and any errors and lack of clarity in the original article are my own and not those of the people with whom I have studied."



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