miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

A Message From The Heart Of The World

The documentary film made by Alan Ereira called "From the Heart of the World: The Elder Brothers' Warning - Kogi Message to Humanity" is a very interesting and valuable statement made in 1992 by the Kogi Indigenous peoples of Colombia. This message inspired us back in the nineties and was part of the process that led us to South America and to study of Gnostic Shamanism of Light.

Those that have spent the past twenty years studying shamanism, gnosis and natural medicine, having arrived in Colombia from Europe did not make these philosophies up or construe the information according to our own beliefs of according to the so called "New Age" movement.
This documentary (link below) expresses many important aspects and fundamentals about Indigenous wisdom and the "Shamanic" worldview. It's message has deep and far reaching implications.

For us the essence of that message given by the Kogi in 1992 is an expression of the wisdom of the Masters of the Indigenous Ray and this message is a calling to which people have responded, not by heading to search for the Kogi but by taking them at their word and listening to their message about the need for us, for humanity as a whole, to learn to listen once more to the Earth and to comprehend that the Earth is alive and that all of life is part of a Cosmic Intelligence which has both Masculine and Feminine aspects.
The Indigenous peoples of Abya Yala (Indigenous name for the American continent) have stayed close to nature and have not erected, in the main, huge urban centres. Their spiritual philosophies are fundamentally rooted in nature and in a direct communication with the natural intelligences or Nature Spirits as we might call them.
Culturally their voice is perhaps the voice that has been least heard around the world, a world in which the spiritual, religious and philosophical dialogue has been dominated by the Middle Eastern and Eastern traditions and the Monotheism of the Abrahamic Religions.
We would not say that those traditions do not have valid things to say, or that they do not have value. All the religions have a value and a voice that we can learn much from and we would consider that it is important to respect all the traditions. Those traditions that come from The Americas, however, have not been given the full coverage and validity that they deserve and they are often denigrated for being "animistic" i.e. for seeing spirit in all things and for saying that the rocks, plants, rivers, forests, animals etc are literally alive and intelligent.
Modern man has qualified this as being "primitive" and "childlike" because, we believe, science has shown that there are no spirits and that all such things are of the imagination. We have failed to consider that these peoples have conserved themselves in a natural way of living and thus have faculties of perception developed to a degree which we have lost.
Over twenty five years after this documentary was made we are seeing with our own eyes that weather patterns are becoming more and more chaotic and there is an ever increasing intensity of climatic change.

In light of this we can also see that the Message of The Kogi and other Indigenous peoples, far from being primitive, shows a remarkable capacity and understanding of the underlying workings of Mother Nature that we would, in fact, do well to listen to if only we could put aside our pride and arrogance.

Here is the link to this highly recommended documentary


The following is the intro given on You Tube.

We have reproduced it here because it says some important things...

This documentary was the world's primary introduction to the Kogi and their crucial message about the serious negative consequences of modern Man's way of existing on this Earth. It was originally released in 1992, and is not currently available online (except on Youtube).

If you watch this video and feel inspired by the Kogi and their message, please know that they have NO interest in people coming to visit them and their sacred lands. This includes visiting La Ciudad Perdida (The Lost City), which for the Kogi was never "lost". Rather, it was purposefully hidden, because it is an incredibly sacred site that even many Kogi are not sanctioned to visit... and certainly not tourists. The Kogi have gone to GREAT lengths, for the past 500+ years to keep their sacred lands free from the energy and unconscious spiritual issues of outsiders. This is something the average "Westerner" might have a hard time understanding. But all we need to understand is that the Kogi DON'T want people visiting their lands, and whether we understand the spiritual reasons for this, or not, is unimportant. Being in their territories uninvited is like walking into a complete stranger's house, uninvited, and walking through the rooms of that house as if it were your own. It is rude and inappropriate. Please take this to HEART and KNOW what it means to violate their wish to NOT have outsiders in their sacred lands.

If you feel—and KNOW within your heart—that you have a genuine calling (not just idle curiosity) to support the Kogi in some way, my only recommendation is that you take a serious and sincere interest in recovering your attention from the great many distractions—most especially "spiritual" distractions—and doing what it takes to come into greater consciousness of who you are as Spirit, where you are from as Spirit, and precisely why you are here, as Spirit. This is hard and, at times, painstaking work.

Most importantly, know that the message of the Kogi is a practical one. That we day-by-day apply ourselves to the deep work of resolving our issues, misconceptions, projections, negative tendencies, etc. And that we do EVERYTHING within our power to stop living a lie (the Modern world) which is quite obviously destructive and out of alignment with LIFE. In simple terms, they are making it clear that the Western world must drastically change its ways, less we go through drastic changes. If you’re reading this, that likely includes you. The Kogi are not simply something interesting for our entertainment or idle curiosity. They do NOT wish to be idolised, for that only marginalises the deep importance of their message, which is, in reality, the Mother's message.

To see the most recent documentary on and by the Kogi, please look online for Aluna The Movie. It can be streamed for a nominal price, and is worth watching. It was released in late 2014.

The media material presented in this production is protected by the FAIR USE ACT of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of commentary, criticism, and education. No copyright infringement intended.

We provide this information, for the betterment, upliftment, and elevation of human-unity!


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