miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2021

MESSAGE FOR FEBRUARY 4, 2021. Apocalypse Time.

MESSAGE FOR FEBRUARY 4, 2021. Apocalypse Time. 

 We live in times when the ignorance of the Great Whore No 666 has corrupted everything.

The VENERABLE MASTER SAMAEL AUN WEOR told us that wise men are great when they become poets and, when, by going beyond the details, they are capable of feeling the harmonies that beat in the background of everything that exists and that they can take us to the higher spheres. 

Such was the case of Ibn Al Arabi, a great Sufi mystic, a Gnostic Muslim sage. 

Good musicians such as Beethoven, Lizst, Berlioz, Wagner, Mahler, etc. were also inspired and were able to feel the superior harmonies of music. Nowadays, in these times of the Great Whore 666, the quality of the music and musicians has regressed. The same goes for poets. It was the ancient poets, painters, and musicians who were truly inspired. The intuition of the poet is the vision of the genius; he who denies this cannot see or appreciate this immense power. 

We currently live in dark, lunar times and ignorance is what rules the world. The United Nations is the Government of the Beast, it governs in ignorance, and as a result the human species is degenerating through materialism and infra-sexual feminism, which is, in other words, The Great Whore 666, that we were warned about in the book of Revelations and other prophecies. 

Even the Solar Gnosis taught by the VM. Samuel Aun Weor has degenerated into a lunar Gnosis, since it is the ego that officiates at the altars. The lunar powers of witchcraft and feminism that promote envy and competition between women and men, have destroyed the path of the perfect couple . 

The fighting, anger, hysteria, fascination and negative emotions etc. are taking over the minds and hearts of those who say they call themselves Gnostics. If psychological work is not done, if egos are not controlled, everything is corrupted through the Great Whore. Thus the doors that lead us through the scales of evolution to the higher dimensions are closed. 

Religions tell us of a heaven and a hell, of God and the devil. The true Gnostics know that the devil is the name given to the raw, impure and material stone before it is polished and sculpted in the Great Work. Temptation is fire and triumph over temptation is Light. 

Let us remember the teachings of the VM Samuel Aun Weor, when it was explained that INRI means Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram (fire incessantly renews nature). INRI can also mean In Necis Renascor Integer (in death to be reborn intact). 

SELF-KNOWLEDGE or SELF-GNOSIS, is the elimination of the psychological defects (I's) such as anger, fighting, competition, envy, hatred, betrayal and murder, etc. The abyss that exists between the Being and the Ego is insurmountable. 

The spirit, when it recognises itself, is able to perform a truly autonomous act. In comparison the subjective intellectual reason is ineffective and very poor. 

The ancient philosophers said that the essence was buried inside the ego as if it were in a grave as punishment for some sin. That is why the Master Samael taught that without Divine grace, SELF GNOSIS, i.e. the intimate SELF-REALISATION of the Being would be impossible. 

ABORTION IS A HUMAN SACRIFICE legalised by the United Nations infra-sexuals. Abortion is a horrible crime, it is infanticide, it is an act of feminism and it is the door through which witchcraft and Satanism take over. You cannot be a true Gnostic if you are a servant of the Government of the Beast.

Today gnosis kneels before the devil, all you have to do is watch the documentary "The Woman and her Mysteries” on GNOSISTV where they make veneration to The Medusa and subtly introduce feminism. We can see in this documentary how some of the interviewees have a very dense, heavy, feminist energy and very little of the feminine attributes. We see how those men of doubtful virility and too much intellect, lend themselves to this type of apocalyptic things. 

There we can also see how the Gnostic temple of “Lumen de lumine” became a servant of the Great Whore and gives itself over to become an instrument of propaganda. Those pseudo-Gnostics do not know what the struggle is like these days, they do not know what it is to be a Warrior of Aquarius. 

The VM Samuel Aun Weor (VMSAW) said very clearly, that to reach initiation, the man must be a true man and the woman a true woman. Feminism as a tool of the beast for world domination, it is the Great Whore 666, the one with whom all the kings of the nations have fornicated, (see Revelations in The Bible). Patience is the ladder of the Gnostics and humility the door of their garden, that is what the VMSAW told us. We can add to this that patience, as the great sage Yudhisthira said, is the ability to control the senses. 

Feminism and misogyny are two faces of the same deception, the same as Marxism and Capitalism. All struggles and divisions come from the ego. The demonic forces, the Great Beast and the feminists have made their throne in the Headquarters of the United Nations. The U.N. is the expression of the Great Whore 666 of the Apocalypse, the mother of all abortions, degenerations and abominations. The Beast and the Great Whore work together to degenerate humanity. In this degeneration women become butch and men become effeminate. The woman incites the fights and quarrels, she throws the first stone, she kills her children, the family and thus the homeland and society and the effeminate men do nothing about it.

Something so ridiculous can only be the result of the tremendous ignorance into which we have fallen. Degeneration leads to ignorance. Master Samael taught us with just reason that, in order to carry out the Great Work, it is necessary that men should be masculine and that the woman should be feminine. It is stupid to deny reality, to deny what one really IS. No one could get to know himself that way. The gnostic work of the couple is a teamwork, it is based on love as a fundamental principle, where each one must know how to fulfil their role, either as a man or as a woman.

This is the logical basis of the whole work. It is insane that the U.N. feminists teach that a boy can be made to believe that he is a woman and a girl can be made to believe that she is a man and that after this farce is completed, we are obliged to accept the situation because the law of The Beast says so. All these aberrations are a matter of mental illusion and this is how feminists corrupt children. 

Reality is what IS and reality has its logic. It is logical to say that if feminists are capable of murdering their own children and if they are capable of denying who they really are, then they are capable of anything, even the worst betrayals. 

When adults deny what they are, then they are mentally ill. A Marxist woman from the FARC (Armed Revolutionary Forces of Colombia) even said on television that being a man or a woman is a mere political question! That woman must be truly very ill and in this way she implies that those Marxist people from the FARC were never really making any revolution, they were not fighting for the good of the people or for improving society, they were only deceiving us. 

Likewise, Marxism in general is a foreign political ideology that does not serve our culture. All the sincerely mistaken fools who believe in that do not see that Marx was a lazy and irresponsible man, he hardly took a bath and was actually also a Satanist, he believed in the devil. We really are in the end times and these are some of the signs of it. 

The ancient Aztecs said that it was a couple, a man and a woman who invented fire and this is only possible with the CROSS in motion. The sacred SWASTIKA of the great mysteries was always defined as the moving cross. The two possible orientations of Swastika clearly represent the masculine and feminine principles, the positive and negative poles of nature. Two Swastikas of one direction and the other exactly superimposed, form the potentiated Cross and in this sense represent the erotic conjunction of the two sexes. 

Gnostic men love a Divine Mother who is represented here in the world of matter by the woman that is truly womanly, the feminine woman, the woman of love. The butch and bitter feminists can in no way be a symbol of divinity, they are witches, they identify with the cries of hysteria, explosive rage, the orgy of the coven, they hate and do not know how to love. Feminist witches worship the goddess of the abyss, Kali, Hekate, Coatiglue. 

 The “Cihuateteo” from Aztec mythology are screaming witches who roar terrifyingly at night. They say that the "weeping woman" of popular legends, carries a mysterious cradle with the corpse of a baby and laments bitter laments through lonely streets and pathways. This witch ended up like that for the crime of having killed her child, leaving him in a public market whilst leaving the sacrificial knife in the childs’ crib. As we can see, it is not gnostic or spiritual, to surrender to the powers of the devil and fall into the wide open path decorated with the illusions that feminism presents us with. That path will inevitably lead to the degradation of women, to bestiality, to the crime of parricide, infanticide and to total condemnation.

The world government of the Zionist U.N. is an alien and foreign government that comes to enslave the people through its Marxism and Feminism. You cannot serve God and the devil, that should be understood by all those who claim to be disciples of God. If we are with the government of God we cannot be with the government of the beast and its instrument feminism. You cannot enter the path of initiation by following the path of feminist degradation. Christ said: Only those who resist to the end, will enter the kingdom of heaven with me. 


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