lunes, 13 de abril de 2009



We reflect, in this Easter week that all those that attack and kill the weak and innocent, mothers and children, young men just because they are Palestinian or Iraqi or whatever of the races of the so called "third world" are precisely attacking and killing over and over again THE CHRIST for Christ is representative of the poor, the oppressed, the forgotten.

The leaders of Israel are followers of the ANTI CHRIST --- terrible entity that invades the minds and hearts of the proud, the arrogant, the weak in Spirit --- they want to create World War 3 because they hate the human race --- Those terrible Demons that killed CHRIST in Palestine all those years ago --- the ones that preferred to condemn to death an innocent man that only did his best to console the poor and dis -possessed, to cure the sick and to teach them the way to heal their karma --- those same spirits of evil are now incarnated once more in these Times of the End and they hide themselves behind the Star of David and the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack, behind banking institutions and all the machinery of war and destruction, multi-national corporations etc.

All that defend Israel under whatever pretext such as the much repeated slogan of Anti Semite are no more than apologists and acomplacies in the crime and whatever their discourse re Revolution will never manage anything real unless they eliminate from themselves the brain washing of the propaganda machine.

The followers of The Anti Christ corrupt and debase the original spirit of IS-RA-EL, they ignore the Prophets such as Elias, Daniel etc and have usurped and imposed upon the true religion of JEHOVAH with the doctrine of YAHWEH the fallen angel... they corrupt the LAW of God (Hypocrites, Pharasies, Scribes, Intellectual Idiots, Theorizers etc.)

The LAW is not only what is written in the books of law but rather that which is written by God in the hearts of man and in the Green leaves of Mother Nature. The books of law written by the hands of man serve for nothing if there is no echo of Truth and Justice in the hearts of men.

Those demons turned the Sacred Law into a confusing intellectual debate of the MIND of Satan (e.g. The Talmud) and now they confuse the world with the words that they twist and the lies they make aimed against the real humanity --- the real people of IS-RA-EL. (IS = Isis The Divine Mother, RA = Ra the Sun God or Solar Logos, EL = Elohim, Gods and Goddesses).

The Anti-Christ owns modern science, has infiltrated all religious institutions, is the lord of corrupt politicians, is the instigator of all sexual de-generation (homosexualism, lesbianism, adultery, fornication etc), is the chief of anarchy and violent revolution, drug abuse and many more etcs. Truly there is not a human institution or an aspect of life into which the Anti-Christ has not entered and to this day desecrates the most sacred temple of all --- THE HUMAN HEART.

It is written by the Masters of The White Lodge that the only way to overcome the Anti Christ is through A-HIMSA, through non-violent means for violence creates hatred and hatred creates more hatred.

We must first defeat the Anti Christ inside ourselves by removing from our consciousness the Anti-Christic way of thinking by elimination of our defects or egos that are as a result of us following unconsciously the anti-teachings of the Anti-Christ, Demon that impulsed the fall of Man from the Paradise of Eden.

The Anti Christ incarnates in all those souls that make themselves vehicles for selfishness, for the 7 deadly Sins to a level at which they become initiates of the Black Lodge.

Historically the Anti Christ, that is the same YAHWEH, usurped the true religion of ABRAHAM, MOSES, DAVID, SOLOMAN and the prophets, corrupting the original devotion to God into WORSHIP of the GOLDEN CALF (Money) – LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. The Anti-Christ was present in the Temple lending money when Christ came and sent him packing with the whip of the Christic Will.

Humanity does not understand these things because many have been the lifetimes of the souls immersed in ignorance and nowadays people defend the Anti-Christ that sits on the throne of the Great Beast number 666 which is USA-ISRAEL.

We need to understand exactly the nature of the SECRET ENEMY of Mankind who are those adepts of the Black Lodge, masters of illuson and deception, cowards that never show their faces to humanity and who use the IDIOT POLITICIANS as puppets (George Bush, Tony Blair, Barak Obama, etc.)

The only true politicians are the ones that defend the poor and oppressed and speak the TRUTH in the pulpit of the UN and in any place where they are called upon to do so, (E.g. Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales) defending also the use of the Sacred Plants such as the COCA LEAF.


In reality Christ is not only a historical person but also a cosmic force.

Jesus Christ incarnated the Christ, which is LIFE, it is the SUBSTANCE AND CONSCIOUSNESS of God in all things and for this reason is SON OF GOD for God is Father and Mother.

The Christ has incarnated in many cultures and in many epochs e.g.


BOCHICA among the MUISCAS of Colombia.


LUGH of the Long Arm among the Irish Celts.

LLEW among the Welsh Celts

DIONYSIS and ATTIS in Greece

HORUS in Egypt


KRISHNA and RAMA in India

These are some examples. Christ is a cosmic principal that is symbolized in all cultures. Christ is LIFE, LIGHT and LOVE.

CHRIST is pure consciousness.

The Crucifixion and the Resurrection lived in the flesh by the Master Jesus symbolize the Death of the Ego upon the Cross of Sexual Alchemy and the Resurrection of the Spirit, the transformation of Matter into Spirit.

The ego can only be eliminated through SEXUAL ALCHEMY and with the help of the DIVINE MOTHER KUNDALINI, feminie aspect of our True Being who can reduce the ego to cosmic dust and thus allow the superior values of The Being to incarnate themselves in us.

The Christic way is the way of brotherhood among all races and cultures – It is the true Socialism of Spirit and once this culture of the Anti-Christ that currently dominates the planet destroys itself a new culture based on the Christic principles will be installed. CHRISTIC SOCIALISM OF THE NEW AGE OF AQUARIUS.

All those that want the truth need to unite and defend the Christ, defend the poor, the oppressed and speak the truth about the diabolical plans of the followers of the Anti-Christ.

Furthermore the aim is to make ourselves as seeds of the new humanity, to live in community, to work in harmony with our Earthly Mother and all the elemental spirits of nature as taught by Jesus Christ in the Essene gospels, by all the Masters of the White Lodge and also by the Indigenous Shamans of Light and followers of Wiracocha, Quetzalcoatl etc. (Masters of the Indigenous Ray)

We reject the false religion and the imposers that try to make religion a drug for fanatics that kill each other in the name of God.

That is the false religion that seeks to turn the people away from God and make them atheists.

The birth, death and resurrection of CHRIST can take place inside us. This is the GNOSTIC AND ESOTERIC Christianity recognized in all places by the awake people for the Light always recognizes the Light.

Christ also manifests in plant form. The CHRIST OF THE JUNGLE is the elemental spirit of YAJE or AYAHUASCA.

Yaje is Christ and Yaje is Kundalini the Divine Mother also represented as ISIS, MARY, PACHAMAMA, BRIDEY etc.

In these END TIMES with the Apocalypse upon us the best thing to do is to make PSYCHOLOGICAL work and supreme efforts to comprehend the EGO and return in our hearts to GOD, to KRISHNA or by whichever of the many names you prefer. (ALLAH, JEHOVAH, PACHAKAMAK etc.)

All that have revolutionary impulse cannot make real revolution without having ESOTERIC knowledge. Revolutions of blood and anarchy are useless. Revolution without consciousness and without devotion to God are only a waste of time and just a form of augmenting the chaos and confusion.

The SECRET ENEMY (International Judaism, Gringo Capitalists etc) know this and for this reason The Rockefeller Foundation and other of the many faces of the Anti Christ fund revolutionary movements AS LONG AS THEY ARE CYNICAL toward GOD, As long as they promote Anarchy and Chaos, as long as they promote anger and violence.

So beware of the FALSE PROPHETS such as the makers of ZEITGEIST who send a cynical and negative message toward religion and towards Christ promoting a technological solution to the crisis and negating the existance of Jesus Christ and the possibility of Virgin Birth or resurrection. Their discourse is subtle and camoflages their true intentions.

The Anti-Christ always creates the problem and when it is very bad will give the job to some minion of atheist consciousness to propose "the solution" - The solution presented in Zeitgeist 2 is vague and without foundation as if a solution will appear from nowhere and there will be no solution that doesn't include CHRIST and the teachings of Christ in the most ample sense of understanding of who and what Christ is.

“Don’t confuse the swelling with the fat” is a saying in Latin America. Its not religion or the religious impulse in itself that’s the problem, its our corruption of it that’s the problem.

Its not the TEACHINGS of Christ that are the problem but the use of Christs name to commit atrocities against the Children of God (Humanity) as done by the “Holy” Roman Catholic Church and virtually all the so called Christian Religions that made secret alliances with the Secret Enemy and prostituted themselves at the altar of the God of the Infidels (Money).

If we wish to be part of a New Age of True Spirituality we need to make the INNER JIHAD --- the war against our own defects and weaknesses and eliminate from ourselves the connection we have internally with this illusion created by the Anti Christ and return to our MOTHER EARTH, care for this creation and live in union with our brothers and sisters of whatever sex, creed, race and colour.




2 comentarios:

hereticalpolemicist dijo...

Está en nuestras almas y su expresión poética y apasionada que podemos mover las montañas y traer vida de nuevo.

hereticalpolemicist dijo...

Lo tenemos en la energía de nuestra alma en sus pasiones sensuales de mover las montañas y de traer vida de nuevo al momento