lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008



The third position will be determined by Latin America, the new
ORDER will be established by Latin America.

We are aware of the links and spiritual culture, the Latin and Christian origin that link Latin Americas with France,
but besides all this, Latin-American race has INDO - Americans.

The Latin American race is a mixture of Indigenous with Latin, this is
indeed something new in politics.

We respect France and all the Latin nations of Europe, but the old is never transformed, what is transformed is the new. Latin America represents a new breed with new ideas and purposes.

It is Latin America that is called to transform world politics. Is
the Latin America that is called to establish the third world

The Latin American Christian Socialist Party and the Confederation
Of Iberoamerican States will constitute a new political and
economic phenomenon that will transform the world.

The big family composed of free and sovereign Latin American nations, can and should form a CONFEDERATION with each nation retaining its independence and sovereignty.

The United States of Latin America along with the Christian Socialist Party and its new Latin American doctrine have been called to
establish the third position world politics.

It is urgent that all Latin Americans understand urgently the time
we live in and the need for a confederation of states.

The Latin American population is the sixth sub race of the GREAT Ayrian Race.

It is absurd that people of the same language and race should divide themselves with fanatical nationalism.
Latin America is indeed in its own right a great nation
that is called to launch a new era within the august thundering of

The capital of the United States of Latin American can be established
in any Latin American country through a popular vote.

No country would lose its sovereignty and freedom. The Government of
the United States-Latin America would be by constituted by
individuals from all Latin American countries.

The first judge would be elected by all Latin America through free elections.

The whole of Latin America become a big sovereign autonomy and
would become de facto in the first world power.

Today we celebrate with immense joy that citizens of various Central American countries are at the forefront in development of this idea constructed with the light of a CONFEDERATION Latin American States.

We still remember when we visited to the Republic of El SALVADOR
about ten years ago. In that time we heard speeches by the President
of this brother country proposing the Confederation of Latin American states.

We want the Latin Americans to understand that our time has

The Latin Americans should awaken from their millennia of slumber with the firm intention of launching the new era.

Latin American citizens! Our time has come!

Source: V. M. Samael Aun Weor, "THE SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION of mankind"

Samael Aun Weor wrote these words more than thirty years ago and we can see now that his prophecy is being realised. This prophecy, is not the only one to this effect. The Indigenous races have also long prophesised a resurgence of their culture, their wisdom and their way of life and since the invasion of the Americas by the Europeans numerous leaders, warriors and wisemen have continued to work for and prophesise a Latin American union. We can mention here, to give a few examples, Tupak Amaru (Inca), Tupak Katari (Aymara), Simon Bolivar, Jose Marti, Sandino, Jorge Elicier Gaitan, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and, in most recent times, Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Daniel Ortega and Raphael Correa.

Latin America calls to all the sons and daughters of our Mother Earth to return to her, to return to the natural religion and way of life of our ancestors. To return to the true path of liberty and fraternity between all peoples. This is a message that goes to all people whatever race or creed, for Latin America is called upon to light a beacon of hope for all mankind in these apocalyptic times.

The time has come to reinstall LIFE and LIBERTY and LOVE as the number one priorities of human society and existence, the time has come to finish with the illusions of global imperialist capitalism.

We have to say in truth that when the nations of Europe such as England and France went colonising the countries of the east and middle east especially the British Empire they did not completely destroy the old cultures of those countries and the traditions and cultures, in India, for example, continued but the Imperialist nations, mainly Britain and Spain destroyed the ancient cultures of the Americas almost entirely. It was a massacre without precedents in history. This is because those Imperialists somehow instinctively recognised that the Americas had something unique that was too much of threat to their plans to be left intact. In reality the cultures of the Americas had evolved freely and without major interventions for many centuries and for this reason they were independent of the development of the modern society UNLIKE their counterparts from India, Persia, Russia, the Arab nations etc who had an influence in the development of the current society and were involved with Europe through trade routes etc from at least the times of the crusades over a thousand years ago.

The peoples of the Americas had another culture and another tradition that included the use of natural sacraments and many other secrets that has proved to be more of a threat to the Imperial plans to enslave mankind under the yoke of materialism than other world cultures. The use of the sacred plants and the shamanic religion comes from all over the world but those traditions had decayed much time before in Europe and Asia and were kept intact only in the Americas. These are keys for us to understand that in the fight for our freedom and evolution there are many secrets held by the ancient cultures of Latin America that can help us and this goes hand in hand with the social changes that are creating a space for all humans that want a better planet to create an example in this geographical and cultural space called Latin America.




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