martes, 8 de mayo de 2018


As many will realize the world of internet hides many things and is used by many types of people to propagate different causes, agendas, opinions, ideologies, rumours, conspiracies and, in some case, hatred and defamation of innocent persons. This kind of things is easy in the internet age given that many people have become experts in hiding their true identities making it easier for them to attack and defame or criticism other people with false accusations that they are not able to prove.

False accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions and attempt to gather information about the victim. 

Cyber stalkers may approach their victim's friends, family and work colleagues to obtain personal information. They may advertise for information on the Internet, or hire  a private detective. They often will monitor the victim's online activities and attempt to trace their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their victims, encouraging others to harass the victim. Many cyber stalkers try to involve third parties in the harassment. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or his family in some way, or may post the victim's name and telephone number in order to encourage others to join the pursuit. False victimization. The cyber stalker will claim that the victim is harassing him. 

As a group of people that has been involved with Shamanism and other themes that are spiritually orientated we have, at times expressed some controversial opinions in the internet especially in relation to the way that current political and social behaviour is effecting the planet, the plants, the wild life and also the human life in this materialist system that values money higher than life itself.

Due to this we have had the experience over the years of being attacked and vilified numerous times, sometimes even by people that claim to have a spiritual focus.

For some reason there are people that do not have enough of a life of their own or who are frustrated and dissatisfied with their existence, unable to find happiness and so on and such people can fall into many negative psychological states and even make a whole project designed to attack and vilify people that do have a life and that do have things to share on a positive level…

Such it has been that as a result, being students of Gnosis we have been attacked and slandered by fellow gnostics. Being students of Shamanism we have also been attacked by other so called “shamanic” people and recently we have become aware of the existence of online HATE GROUPS that make it their business to defame, attack, accuse and slander all under the cover of internet secrecy.

Such groups resemble online CULTS in which they have tyrannical leaders that control the forums they manage, accusing innocent people of serious crimes without evidence. They allow people to register on their forums anonymously and to register grave slanders, publishing names, addresses, telephone numbers, photos and email addresses, exposing the targets of their hate to potential attacks and harassment either online of even physically.

Such groups do not observe legal procedures and hide behind masks of internet secrecy, registering their sites in countries where there are few restrictions on internet activity and where it is more difficult for anyone to pursue a legal case against them.

Closer analysis has shown us that often these sites are run by very suspicious people with military connections or connections to spy networks such as the CIA or others. Their purpose seems to be to attack and harass anyone that expresses opinions of a spiritual or shamanic nature and doesn’t fit their narrow category of an approved worldview.

Furthermore when people try to defend themselves or to demonstrate that their accusers are unstable and mentally ill people that carry bad intentions and perpetrate lies they censor and block their responses.

We have seen that the leaders of such sites are people with psychopathological tendencies, individual psychological problems and social dysfunction. They are people that, unable to find satisfaction in their lives, dedicate to making difficulties for others.

The leaders of these ONLINE CULTS show themselves as intolerant, racist and full of hate for others. They accuse others of different kinds of abuse but typically these kinds of people are abusive people, playground bullies that get satisfaction from hurting and trampling on others, and even putting their lives in danger.

We advise anyone that seeks out information on the internet to be careful and to find out where the information is coming from… Find out a bit about the forum you visit and observe what their general attitude is, is it an online discussion in which differing views are debated fairly or do they use bullying tactics, censorship, double standards.

Above all use your own judgement and practice CRITICAL THINKING…. Don't take all that is said as true just because its online. A lot of people public lies and distortions online and seek to slander and defame others simply because they get a sadistic kick out of it. Intelligent people do not fall for such things. They take their time to think for themselves and are not affected by such attacks.

Here we mention no names, we leave people free to be aware for themselves and decide for themselves who is telling the truth.

May All Beings be in PEACE.


sábado, 5 de mayo de 2018


Salem, the social movement of psychedelia began in the USA, with the first famous article on mushrooms by Gordon Wasson (Timelife 1957), through which also began the career of the psychedelic guru of LSD, Timothy Leary, who, before brainwashing the American youth, worked at Harvard University, Massachusetts ... Today, it is common knowledge that Timothy Leary was a CIA agent, with he himself admitting his ties. The roots of psychedelia are found in Salem, Massachusetts near to Harvard.

Upon entering into the practice of witchcraft, a psychedelic witchcraft apprentice easily comes to believe that christianity and spirituality is a lie.

Witches also believe that order, ancestral tradition, discipline, respect, love and harmony are all their "enemies" the same as good and goodness.

"The new order" has nothing new, it is simply a return to the vibration of involution, a return to the lunar cults of backward times, to the blind and deaf ignorance of the past. Today with feminism, people are increasingly ignorant and the main ignorance is in the woman who has been the easiest prey to be used by the UN (the beast). *Eg Emma Watson.

We see how the Gnosis, after the death of Samuel Aun Weor, became a Lunar cult.

The current Gnostic Church of Colombia and other countries has already been profaned..

Now they eat "Yoni" with Yoni (vagina) in the altars, the same as in the feminist cults, in the UN, among the Marxists, or the crazy lesbians of the degenerated TV programs. All of them have rejected the" Lingam "(Phallus or penis) that is the generator of the seed from which men and women are born.

(Translators Note; There is a cult to the Yoni - The Yoni is worshipped in a vulgar form - The author is also making reference to the fact that in ancient times there were cults to both the Yoni and the Lingam… The Men adored the Yoni and the women the Lingam / These were Solar Cults in which the masculine and feminine were in balance. These cults were not vulgar, but sublime.)

We humans are "seeds" of the Sun. The seeds come out of the semen, the sperm from where are born men and women.

The lunar culture is Jewish, it is Winca, (Mapuche word meaning “heart of stone” referring to the Spanish Invaders and to all Imperialists), it is matriarchal, it is witchcraft, it is brutish, it only accepts the "yoni", therefore it is infrasexual.

The scientists of the United Nations play and experiment with the yonis (vaginas), until they have managed to cross human females with animal sperm, deforming and altering the fetuses, aborting them and even eating them like the cannibal witches of medieval Europe. The feminist witches of today do not say anything about this.

THIS IS THE TIME OF GREAT WHORE, 666, mother of all abortions and fornications. They will be kings for a day, so it is written, they will rule, they will enjoy and they will fornicate, then their terrible punishment will come. (See the book of Revelations/Apocalypse).

The spell of Salem (A word that comes from the Jews, meaning "peace") is behind the psychedelic movement, the feminist movement and behind these two “popular” social movements, are the Satanic Cults and Judaism (the root of Satanism is in the distortion of the ancient Judaic religion which has become a cult of Kabalistic Black Magic).
Modern Witchcraft Cults and also all the false Machis (Mapuche word for a Shaman) or false women shamans, (as in the novel by Florinda Donner, the disciple of Carlos Castaneda), are born from nothing, effortlessly, without kindness, without love, without will, without sacrifice or voluntary sufferings. On the contrary these are born of parties, fornications, drugs, drunkenness, alcohol, television, lying, etc …i.e. of stupid feminist hysteria, so easy.

The new feminist machis that sell their people to the UN are just witches like all the others i.e. those that believe all that comes out of SERNAM,*(SERNAM is a Chilean Insitution dedicated to inserting the Ideology of Gender into education, government etc in Chile) Bachelet, the Piñeras, the Pinochetistas, the rotten and abortionist politicians of bourgeois Chilean socialism but they do not have the wisdom of their ancestors of the Chau Antu, (Chau Antu = Father Sun) because they are ignorant.

EXAMPLE = They are giving publicity and propaganda to this news in Chile: "Sofia was a girl who was eighth grade; She was a cheerful girl, naughty as anyone at thirteen. She was studying in a municipal school in a rural sector of the ninth region; In early 2017, her teacher and classmates noticed changes in her behavior;
"In April, the girl began to show signs of being distracted, pensive and without enthusiasm, the opposite of her usual character. One day when she was in class she had convulsions and started screaming, fell to the ground and fainted. From that moment things with the girl went from bad to worse."
"I remember that one day the girl had a crisis, she started shivering, her eyes went out, she fell to the floor and started talking in her mother tongue, Mapudungun, even though she had never learnt it."

"On another occasion the girl was sitting and suddenly she looked at nothing and her eyes went white, she did not blink ... She was referred to a social worker and a psychologist under the assumption that the girl could have family problems."

After several home visits it was concluded that it was not a case of family violence or violation of her rights and more blah, blah, blah

Do you see what we mean? These shameless Chilean feminists even speak of "violations of human rights” - they that themselves who violate human rights (by approving abortions etc.). What terrible hypocrites and Pharisees they are!

And moreover on top they finish their article by saying that: "To explain these phenomena, Víctor Melinao, Mapuche engineer, relates that;

"In the last 15 years Machis have been born in different parts of Mapuche territory, several decades after they were known to be almost extinct.”

Here we see how they now have" Mapuche engineers "and by this means claim to recover a legitimate ancestral knowledge with university educated “Mapuche engineers” in the style of the Wincas. What a big farce.

Here we can see how it is that lies are invented and in this way the "Machitun" (traditional Mapuche healing ritual) the "Mapudungun" (Mapuche language) and all this ancestral knowledge is now being DEBASED and changed into a tool of the United Nations, the cults of witchcraft and also for the evangelical cults which are similar to spiritism or mediumship.

Translators Note- In the ancient tradition of the Chilean Mapuche if a child has such a kind of a fit or similar it would be considered a condition caused by bad spirits thats needs treatment and not a sign that the child is a Machi.. to this the author is referring)

In this way they are also stealing the treasures of Wallmapu, (Mapuche territory) whilst the Mapuche children are sent to study Winca culture.

What fools, even Gandhi knew that it was ridiculous to send his children to school in the schools of the enemies of peace and nature. ... and in fact, Salem is not peace, it is a spell, a LIE, repeated so many times that it becomes "real" ... it is the spell-lie that rules the feminist mind of today.

To complement what we are saying let's see this:

The Creation of the Religion of Witchcraft.

The feminists of the United Nations have promised humanity that through they, the feminists, will re-establish the ancient religions of witchcraft and thus replace christianity, and in general the so called “patriarchal religions.”

For the feminists everything that has logic, order, discipline, will, sacrifice, kindness, love etc. is Patriarchal and everything that is capricious, hysterical, vengative, cowardly, corrupt, false, abortive, cannibal, hypocrite and cynical etc. is Matriarchal.
(all this is a distortion of the facts in which all which is masculine is labelled as evil and these false ideas about feminism are considered as the truth...)

Therefore, feminism has launched a spiritual war against the Christ, and today, for many witchcraft represents “good” and christianity, evil.

This is the way of the so called “new order” that is; to put the head down and the legs up. (inverted)

Atte: CAMINU (United Campesinos and Indigenous.)

Copy it, distribute it - These truths are free of the copyright of the Inhuman Imperialist feminists.