There are many people today that understand that we live in times of great challenges and contradictions.
The world is facing many social and environmental problems. Wars, international crime, political corruption, corporate greed and exploitation, poverty and the unsustainable use of natural resources, drug addiction, epidemics, new diseases, atmospheric pollution and much more.
The horsemen of the apocalypse are riding through the storm clouds that are gathering over this troubled humanity and the planet we live on.
If we examine this web of inter-connected problems and try to comprehend their roots it is not difficult to understand that at the root we have a spiritual crisis on our hands. This is a crisis of immense proportions. It is a crisis of values.
At the same time we see arriving, day by day, new (and old) systems of self-development, therapies, meditation practices, religions, cults, sects and gurus in all shapes, sizes and colours. The shops are stocked with books offering solutions and magazines are full of adverts for workshops.
All are proposing, in one form or another, to remedy our problems, to make us happier, to make us successful and make us more spiritual.
For determined sums of money one can buy initiation, one can become a healer overnight, one can follow a saviour who will magic away our problems.
In the different ages of the world there have been many spiritual paths and practices that have had their moments of ascendancy and their moments of decay.
Every religion has its essence and its source. There have always been persons who have attained superior levels of development and self realisation, inspiring religions and spiritual movements.
At any particular moment we can find that there are certain places upon the Earth that are magnetic centres of force in regard to spiritual wisdom. There have been many cultures inspired by a true blossoming of spiritual inspiration, learning and attainment.
All of this bears relation to the influences of the stars and the science we call astrology, which interprets those influences.
It is certain that the wisest of every religion transcend their particular cultural influences, whilst also heightening them to their most transcendent expression.
Those beings that reach such transcendence and achieve inner realisation arrive at the point of being able to leave behind the cycle of birth and death, that in the oriental traditions is known as the Wheel of Samsara. Those beings finish completely with their karma.
Many of them, for the love of their fellow humans, chose to remain in the atmosphere of the planet and at certain times voluntarily incarnate in order to help this suffering humanity.
The Masters are a fraternity and in this fraternity there are masters from all traditions: Buddhist, Indigenous, Christian, Sufi, Egyptian, Mayan, Celtic, Chinese, Inka and many more. They know that in essence all is one. They know that God is one.
In the Hindu tradition Krishna is recognised as an incarnation of Vishnu, The Father. Rama was another incarnation of Vishnu. Many Hindus also recognise Jesus Christ as being an incarnation of Vishnu.
All of these beings incarnated the Intimus, the Interior Being.
In Mexico there was Quetzalcoatl, in the Andes, Huiracocha, in China Fu Hsi, in Egypt, Horus and so on.
The Intimus is the internal Christ, the Solar Logos.
This extremely divine force lives in each one of us as the spark of our essence known as the Budata. The Budata is a small fraction of our true being. We cannot incarnate our true being until we have eliminated the false personality or the ego.
The ego is not one, infact, but many for there are living inside us many different psychological "I's." These I's are errors that trap the essence and bottle up the consciousness and they compete amongst themselves to be in charge of the vehicle leading us on the path of error away from God.
The real spiritual work begins when we make this realisation for ourselves, within ourselves. This kind of understanding underpins all real spiritual paths.
Gnosis is a word of Greek origin and means direct knowledge. We use this word to indicate that the only real path is the path of experiential knowledge that comes through life intensely lived. Gnosis is the way of initiation into the Greater Mysteries and lies at the heart of all the great religions in their esoteric or inner aspect.
The path of initiation is an exact science and its essence and formula never differs for "Narrow is the path and steep is the way."
Much of what calls itself gnosis in these modern times is not really gnosis. The modern "spirituality" tends to believe that we can discover our own truth and make up our own way, thus practicing many contradictory methods, believing that they will all achieve the same results. All is according to the whims of the ego and the subjectivity's of the mind.
We want, however, to be clear and say that YES, everyone's experience is individual but the real way is the same for all because the path of initiation and inner knowledge of the mysteries is a very exact science.
If we combine, scientifically, chemicals X, Y and Z and then we combine chemicals A, B and C, obviously the result will be completely different, so it is in the interior work, we need certain formula to achieve certain results.
In the path of awakening we need to know the directions, we need a map and we need to know the essential work of awakening. Although the outer forms are different all the initiatic traditions that lead to awakening have the same basic understandings.
The Great Work.
Until recent times the more interior aspects and practices of the initiatic wisdom were kept secret from the public at large. The initiate was required to arrive at a certain level of understandings in order to receive these teachings.
In the 1950's, however, a man emerged from Colombia in Latin America and began to teach the secrets openly.
Principally, he taught about the incarnation of the being. He told us that at the core of the human question and the question of awakening is the question of sex.
The energy of sex, in a cosmic sense, is that which gives birth to galaxies, solar systems, planets, animals, plants and humans.
The three principles of gnosis are:
1. Death. We must die to ourselves psychologically by eliminating the ego.
2. Birth. The second birth is an internal birth in the spirit. This is alchemical.
3. Sacrifice. We need to make sacrifice in order to help our fellow man.
In order to arrive at the point of elimination of ego we first need to comprehend on all levels of the sub-conscious, each ego.
We cannot, however, eliminate the ego with mind power. The ego is eliminated with Divine assistance and this can only occur with the help of the interior fire of the Kundalini Serpent. The Kundalini Serpent is Our Divine Mother.
The Feminine is energy (Shakti) and the masculine is the activating principle (Shiva).
The serpent is sacred in many cultures and is a symbol of the serpent of fire that lies inside us at the base of the spine.
The awakening of the serpent takes place by degrees and is achieved by the practice of sexual alchemy or tantra, that is to say the union of the male and the female in sexual connection of the penis and vagina but finishing the act without reaching the point of orgasm. The resulting energy is transmuted inwards and upwards.
Orgasm allows the energy to go down and out and thus loses our life force and speeds up the aging process.
We eliminate the egos with the help of our Divine Mother we incarnate the Christ and through this process we arrive at the point of union with our Interior Father. The Divine Mother and Interior Father are both aspects of the being.
Through sexual alchemy we also crystallise the solar bodies, Astral, Mental and Causal.
There is much more that we could say about this doctrine of sexual alchemy, more than space allows. In this moment it is enough to say that sexual alchemy is the key. This is the "stone that the builders rejected."
Master Samael Aun Weor elaborates much more deeply and effectively on this matter than we could hope to here and has written various books on the subject.
In giving these teachings, Samael Aun Weor, broke the seal that kept these teachings a guarded secret for many ages. In so doing he caused a great deal of controversy amongst the different movements and orders in the world of occult and esoteric study, among both those who knew and those who didn't.
Prior to this the teachings were only revealed symbolically for those "with eyes to see and ears to hear." (E.g. the alchemical texts.)
Who is Samael Aun Weor and why did he do this?
After intense study and practice Samael Aum Weor arrived at the point of his internal realisation with the discovery and practice of the eternal wisdom doctrines.
Aun Weor is the bodisatwa, the human soul and is the vehicle for Samael. Samael is the interior being, the internal father.
Samael was one of the fallen angels but he rose again "the serpent on the staff."
The interior Father Samael is the regent of the planet Mars, which is force.
In Hindu tradition it is spoken that at the end of the Kali Yuga (dark age) i.e. these times, would arrive the next incarnation of Vishnu, the KALKI AVATAR to dispel the darkness of the Kali Yuga age. There are many other traditions that say we are at the end of an age, including the Inka, the Maya, the Hopi. Many scenarios in the world show the conditions spoken of in the book of Revelations in the Bible and the prophecies of Nostradamus amongst others.
In the Himalayas the Kalki Avatar is one and the same as the Buddha Maitreya. In the mythology of that mystic region the Buddha Maitreya is depicted arriving to help humanity on a great white horse.
The Russian painter and Himalayan explorer, Nicholas Roerich, made many beautiful paintings of the Himalayas and the mystic qualities of those mountains. He painted many mythical and symbolic scenes and often depicted the Buddha Maitreya riding on his white horse as a figure in the clouds above the vast mountain ranges.
This was a prophecy of the coming of this great being.
Samael Aun Weor, Kalki Avatar and Buddha Maitreya, Avatar of the age of Aquarius was given the authority to reveal the secret teachings to all of humanity according to the will of God.
The authenticity of this can only be known in the fruits of his work, which are a body of profound teachings that are, essentially, very practical teachings both clear and to the point.
Master Samael tells us not to believe or disbelieve but to practice and to know. He gives us essential and verifiable keys to knowledge; he told us that he is only a signpost.
He said that the initiation is the same life intensely lived and that the mysteries are an exact science that has been known and practiced for all time.
Master Samael revealed the doctrine of the synthesis that brings together and synthesises the essence of teaching in all religions from all corners of the Earth and from all ages. For this reason he is Avatar of Aquarius and the proof of this is that the synthesis is precisely in keeping with the Age of Aquarius whose symbol is man carrying the waters of life. Aquarius is the age of Man and it is completely appropriate that the Avatar of this age should bring together in synthesis the teachings of all religions and mystery traditions from all races, creeds and cultures.
Master Samael revealed these teachings to the world because we are now in the "end times" spoken of in "Revelations" and God needs to collect the seeds for a new race that will continue on this planet after its coming purification.
The doors of the Apocalypse have opened and Master Samael understood exactly the necessity of these times. Time is short and the merciful Father wants that we should have one last chance before the end of this race.
Only a conscious and radical revolution can give us the capacity to become true men and women of Aquarius. Only a radical transformation can save our souls from the abyss and the pain and suffering that will entail.
In order to be a seed for the new race on a renewed earth it is not enough to advance 1% or 2 % in this lifetime, we need to make a revolution inside us.
This is the message of Samael Aun Weor.
Unfortunately, in these decisive moments there are many false gurus and avatars who claim that we will pass into a golden age just like that, as if by magic but if we look around us, where is this famed golden age that humanity is "logically" proceeding toward.
Where among the hungry and starving, the war and pestilence, the imperialism and the capitalism is there a great golden age dawning?
How can humanity, in its present state enter a golden age with so much greed, vanity, lust, pride, sloth and so on. Clearly we must change radically.
We cannot be saved by this guru or that guru just by believing in him or her, we won't be saved by the touch of this Baba or that swami, the scent of his robe or the smell of her perfume.
Precisely in this age there abound false prophets and ghastly gurus who want to entrance us and offer us an easy solution because we all want easy solutions.
Master Samael taught that we must urgently work on ourselves, we must understand and become conscious of our internal state. We must pay our karma and change; there is no other way. But karma cannot be paid, as some suppose, with a vortex healing (or similar) "Jus' like that!" as a famous comedian used to say. Karma is paid by work and sacrifice and in order to truly pay karma we need to learn the art of Karma Yoga.
Many of the old traditions, although in essence carrying true pearls of wisdom, have become shadows of their former selves; they have lost the force of true internal change. They have fudged important issues and confused the teachings, pandering to the laziness of modern man to secure followers and material success, others are swallowed up in the fanaticism that theirs is the only way, without understanding that the way is the inner way that lies at the root of all of them and unites all of them internally.
The real religion is one and that is the religion of Universal Love.
All of this is part of a large process, everywhere the tentacles of the Beast of the Apocalypse reach into the institutions of man as it seeks to dominate the world. Those same tentacles live inside each one of us in our hearts and minds. The work is to extract them.
We have an opportunity now to change and work for the good of humanity, for no matter what humanity has done, God wants to help us and wants to give us more time. However, there can only be so long and all things must reach their logical conclusion.
The choice for us is to work and help others to have the chance to make enough interior change to be the seeds of a new humanity in a golden age that will arrive after the purification that this planet needs.
Alternatively, if we continue the same our souls will be sent to a planet in a lower stage of evolution where we will suffer much pain. This planet is now near to our solar system, it is a dark and dense planet. For us it will be the abyss.
Humanity now stands teetering on the edge of the abyss and very few really want to change.
Master Samael has brought us the keys of change and we have given some explanation and reasons for this in this article, in the spirit of Master Samael and for all of humanity.
May the light of Christ shine in your hearts.