martes, 23 de diciembre de 2008

2012… A Shamanic Odyssey

2012… A Shamanic Odyssey

Its December, 2008 and there are only 4 years before we will find out exactly what’s going to happen in December 2012, a date made famous due to the predictions of the Mayan calendar as being the end of and entire cycle within their Long Count calendar.

According to the Mayan way of measuring and keeping time we are at the end of one age of the Sun, each age lasting 5125 years.
To understand more or less how the Mayan calendar works requires study but we can say as an overview that the Mayans counted and measured many more cycles than we do.
And they inter-relate these cycles as if they were cogs of a giant machine giving each day a unique combination of influences that take into account not only the movement of the Earth, Sun and Moon but also Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and, furthermore, much wider cosmic movements at a galactic level. This system is much more accurate and precise than other calendar systems in other cultures, giving the Mayans the honour of having been the experts in the movements of the celestial bodies and of time.

Their study of these movements in space and time also gave rise to very interesting observations about the distinct influences that affect the Earth and the Solar System in which we are traveling through the great galactic spaces.

For the Maya the 21st December 2012 will be the end of a 5125 year creation cycle. A cycle that began in 3114 BC in our calendar. It is the end of a 13 Baktun round and the beginning of a new creation… or in modern terminology it’s the end of one age and the beginning of a New Age. It also corresponds to an alignment of our solar system to the centre of the galaxy.

What this will mean for us who are alive in this time witnessing the events that take place on the planet will depend on many things, not least our state of consciousness.

It is interesting to also note the extent to which the dates of the Mayan calendar co-inside with other information as much on the scientific side as on the side of prophecies in various cultures.

According to the Incas we are presently entering a new Pachakutik or a new era on this planet. According to traditional elders in Peru the process of the new Pachakutik began in 1990 and this process of changing Pachakutiks takes 22 years… being completed in August 2012…The Hopi elders have also said that the Earth is in a time of purification and preparation that began in 1998 and will end in… 2012.
Seneca elders also say that we are in the midst of a 25 years purification period that will end in 2012. In South Africa an 80 year old Zulu Shaman has spoken of a certain star with a long tail that will return thousands of years after it was last seen, causing big climatic and weather changes. He said it would return in the year red bull which corresponds to 2012 in our calendar. The Maoris say that at the beginning of time the Earth and sky were pushed apart by the Gods of the sea, the wind and war and that they will eventually crash back together in the year 2012.

Studies of the I Ching have revealed that this system of prediction reaches a kind of zero point in the year 2012.
A number of reported Near Death Experiences have also spoken of being shown visions of the future in which there were dramatic changes on the planet by the year 2012.
Especially interesting are studies with children that have had near death experiences and reported changes on the planet with relation to climate, society and consciousness, all pointing toward 2012.

Changes in the Earths Geomagnetic field are being noted by scientists who say that the Geomagnetic field is dropping and in recent times, dropping at an ever increasing rate. When it reaches zero point there will be a reversal of planetary polarity. The Canadian government has been monitoring the North Pole and say that it has been moving since 1904 but since 1974 its moving 4 times faster than before. Meanwhile, French Geologists have noted areas where polarities are being reversed in the ocean to the south of South Africa. They say that the magnetic fields are disappearing around the poles and that there are huge masses of molten iron beneath the earths surface at the poles that are rotating in a reverse direction, weakening the magnetic fields.
Siberian geologist Dr Alexey Dimitriev has studied at length increased solar activity and the Earths magnetic field and concludes that a reversal is underway and this he says, also relates to temperature changes and the frequency of earthquakes, hurricanes, floods etc which have increased by 600% in the past 40 years. Dimitriev says, also that the solar system is moving through a plasma cloud… (Plasma is like a gas of electrons) and that this also is affecting the climate, the geo-magnetic field and other planetary and atmospheric elements.
At the centre of a tornado or hurricane vaccums are created that are related to phenomena such as fire balls and other lights. The frequency of these kinds of phenomena is also in the increase although physics doesn’t fully understand why.

In reality there are many different types of phenomena that are presenting themselves and pushing the boundaries of what we know in relation to the mechanics of the universe and to more than one of the more open minded scientists around say that we are heading toward some kind of zero point that will lead to dramatic changes and also great revelations as to the nature of many of the mysteries still not understood by our science.

Other people have investigated in the fields of human psychology and the effects that different solar, cosmic, magnetic etc changes upon our minds, bodily rythmns and functions etc..
One of the more relevant aspects here has been the study of certain molecules that occur naturally in some plants and also are produced by the pineal gland in the human brain.
In particular we refer to DMT and Harmine. These molecules are produced in the pineal gland and also appear in the Ayahuasca or Yaje brew used by Amazon shamans and as we know, this relates to visionary states of consciousness. It would appear to be no co-incidence that the shamanic use of Ayahuasca is also showing people that many extraordinary things are passing on our small blue planet.

Some scientists call DMT “The Spirit Molecule.”
Dr Rick Straussman of New Mexico university studied DMT closely and found that the brain produces this substance in greater quantity in near death situations, birth, death itself, mystical states of consciousness and even close encounter experiences. Changes in Geomagnetic levels also affect the production of DMT.

Obviously this is not something merely mechanical for, as we know, consciousness affects matter… this is what the shaman knows, for he knows that it is not simply that the substance causes a chemical reaction but rather that the substances in the plants are acting in a more conscious way, giving access to more subtle dimensions – just as death does.
This can be linked with the discoveries of molecules within atoms that appear and disappear constantly (Quantum physics), demonstrating the existence of dimensions beyond this one and also that matter is really not as solid as we suppose but is, but rather, the manifestation that comes from another dimension beyond this physical world.

In this respect the substances, alkaloids etc present in plants such as Ayahusca or Peyote or Psylosibin Mushrooms are molecules that are somehow closer to the subtle realms and open our perception to those realms.. the very realms that are their and our source, for all originates beyond the veil of this 3 dimensional world in which we live.

Some scientists that are studying these things speculate, based on their observations, that certain events, geomagnetic changes, solar activity, galactic alignments etc could trigger mass changes in perception… revelations, visions etc and in many respects they are right for as this world we live in is stretched more to its limits of resistance and denial of “the other” the more that the cracks will and are showing. The whole illusion of our civilization, the limits that we have placed on our perception, in our minds, in our way of life is being challenged by ever more extreme events in our world and all of these are signs that, indeed, a great change is occurring.

Imagine if you were to be launched into the unknown without any preparation, without prior warning… its possible that you will not resist this planetary shamanic journey that we are on. You need to prepare for the consciousness shifting events that are occurring so as to be able to assimilate the changes. This is the purpose of Shamanism of Light, to take us toward the future preparing us for apocalypse, revelation, total change, the opening up of reality. For some this will be terrifying and will drive them crazy, for others it will be positive. All depends on us.

In this we are not saying that on 21st Dec 2012 the world will end. Its not quite like that but it will represent another significant step in what is the procession of events that unfold in this planetary drama. Obviously we centre all around our human experience, as is natural for us, but for the planet itself, for the Mother Pachamama it is also something very important – indeed it will be something like a liberation for all the spirits of nature that have been affected by the human actions. It is a renewal for nature and is a process that is constantly ending the world as we know it. If we learn how to live our own internal apocalypse here and now (Apocalypse means Revelation) which means searching for the truth and dieing to our lies then we will be able to prepare ourselves. This means a revolution of consciousness in order to tune into the planetary and cosmic revolution of consciousness.
The process is already in motion, the changes are already happening… Shamanic catharthis, self knowledge, sexual regeneration, all of these are vital as is the conscious devotion of each devotee to God, to Krishna, to the supreme consciousness that guides us.
In particular it is interesting to note that the science of transmutation of the sexual energy as practiced by the Maya in their golden epoch, increases the bodies capacity to produce hormonal substances, including those of the pineal gland that open the doors of our internal perception and our vision of the astral and other dimensions bringing us closer to the light which is awakened consciousness.
The SACRED PLANTS such as Yaje/Ayahuasca also help this process of exploration and revelation and fortify the bodies capacity to produce the combination of hormonal substances that act as the bridge between the spiritual realms or the “ultra” and this physical world. For this reason the Indigenous Masters are making available the shamanic wisdom of the light for us children of the Mother Pachamama in order to prepare us for all that is to come as our civilization unfolds itself in all respects.
And what we have learnt and understood with the practice of Shamanism is that there is a CONSCIOUSNESS beyond this physical world, a consciousness that is intelligently directing this process for the good of humanity so that we can have ever greater opportunity to see our errors and correct ourselves, returning to Krishna consciousness, returning to the path of the ancient Maya, knowledge of self, wisdom of the soul, devotion to the ancient intelligence within all creation.

For that reason we say that its good to observe the events but striving not to identify with them but rather to comprehend what is happening.
